Be a part of this meaningful event!
Be a Vendor
Are you a local food or beverage purveyor? Take the opportunity for significant business exposure, contribute to a critical cause and enjoy a celebratory early summer evening at Steamboat Landing… sign up to vend at Taste!
Be a Volunteer
Volunteers make this event possible! Collaborate with a group of fun folks supporting food security in our community, and leave with a belly full of delicious tastes.
Application available in April
Become a Grant Recipient
We are excited to announce that the Taste of the Finger Lakes committee has opened up the process for grant funding. Eligible not-for-profit organizations working to improve food security in our area are invited to submit an application to request funds up to $10,000.
Application deadline March 14th
Become a Sponsor
Local business support enables TOTFL to maximize our giving and promote your company’s charitable contribution. Support a critical cause and communicate your values to our significant local audience.